12 Jan
10:00 - 13:00

Workshop Sociolinguistics: Language, place and belonging

To celebrate Lotte Thissen’s thesis’ defence "Talking in and out of place. Ethnographic reflections on language, place, and (un)belonging in Limburg, the Netherlands" at Maastricht University, the chair Languageculture in Limburg organises a workshop.



10.00-10.25 Welcome with tea and coffee
10.30 Opening by Leonie Cornips (UM/Meertens Institute)

The Copenhagen Language and Place Project: New Insights
by Pia Quist (University of Copenhagen)

10.50-11.00 Surprise

“Hi Honey”: address terms in a nursing home and belonging
by Jolien Makkinga (UM/Meertens Institute)


Mixed language practices in a former mining district: The case of Eisden- Cité
by Nantke Pecht (UM)


Regional identity in Limburgian songs: some patterns
by Charles van leeuwen (UM)


Local identity construction on social media
by Lysbeth Jongbloed (UM/FA)

12.00-12.10 Social categorization and linguistic identification among vocational school pupils in Venlo
by Pomme van de Weerd (UM)

How I Got Interested in Language and Place
by Barbara Johnstone (Carnegie Mellon University)


Discussion I: PhD research
Barbara Johnstone, Pia Quist and Charles van Leeuwen based on 1 question by each PhD student about their own research


Discussion II: Language, place and belonging
Lotte Thissen (UM

Lunch (own budget)





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