03 Dec 04 Dec
09:30 - 16:15


This 2-day workshop assesses the evolution of the asylum, migration, and external border control policies, including relevant EU legislation, the impact of constitutional principles, the role of courts and judicial dialogue, and shifting implementation patterns.



Migration, asylum, and external border control have emerged as key challenges for the European Union’s governance structure, regulatory framework, and identity. Politically salient, these policy areas have produced a wealth of CJEU case law on issues ranging from competence delimitation to fundamental rights protection. Their implementation modes have known great shifts, leading to the emergence of joint patterns of policy implementation, indicative of an integrated European administration. External factors, such as civil war raging in Syria or the COVID-19 pandemic, have led to emergency policy changes that affect key elements of the EU integration project, such as freedom of movement.  Against this backdrop, this 2-day workshop assesses the evolution of the asylum, migration, and external border control policies, including relevant EU legislation, the impact of constitutional principles, the role of courts and judicial dialogue, and shifting implementation patterns.

Programme on Thursday 3 December

09.30 Welcome & Introduction
09.45 Keynote lecture by Paula García Andrade (Universidad Pontificia Comillas): The external dimension of the EU immigration and asylum policies before the ECJ

Panel I: The Constitutional Dimension of Migration Law

  Chair & discussant: Bruno De Witte (Maastricht University)

Caterina Molinari (KU Leuven): The EU readmission policy at the test of subsidiarity and interinstitutional balance: framing the exercise of a peculiar shared competence


Martino Reviglio (University of Turin): Soft law and externalisation of EU border management: between political effectivity and legal validity 


Galina Cornelisse (VU Amsterdam) & Madalina Moraru, (Masaryk University & European University Institute): Judicial Dialogue on the Return Directive: A case of incremental constitutionalisation in the field of irregular migration

11.45 Recess

Panel II: Migration and contemporary challenges for European societies

  Chair & discussant: Hildegard Schneider (Maastricht University)

Moritz Jesse (Leiden University): The 'Others' amongst 'Us': European Societies, Immigration, and the Law


Ruben Tans (Maastricht University): Reforming the Dublin System: what role does mutual trust play?


Lavinia Kortese (Maastricht University): Recognition of Qualifications in Times of Crisis: Evaluating the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Third Country Nationals

15.00 Recess

Panel III: Pitfalls of migration management: crimmigration and border controls

  Chair & discussant: Zvezda Vankova (Lund University)

Stefano Zirulia (University of Milan): Challenging the criminalization of solidarity with undocumented migrants and asylum seekers through legislative reforms and legal actions


Janina Pescinski (Queen Mary University of London): Suspension of the Schengen Agreement as Migration Management Tool 

16.30 End of day 1


Programme on Friday 4 December


Panel IV: Current fundamental rights challenges in migration policies

  Chair & discussant: Lilian Tsourdi (Maastricht University)

Sarah Tas (European University Institute): Fundamental Rights Violations in the ‘Hotspots’: Who is Watching Over Them?


Mariagiulia Giuffre (Edge Hill University): Extraterritorial jurisdiction: dismantling access to territory and to asylum procedures in Europe?


Diego Ginés (European University Institute): In Limbo: Diverging Conceptualisations of Ill-treatment by European Courts as a Source of Non-Removability

10.45 Recess

Panel V: The rise of agencification in migration policies

  Chair & discussant: Jorrit Rijpma (Leiden University)

David Fernandez-Rojo (University of Deusto): Operation Sophia, FRONTEX and EUROPOL: Towards a Growing Nexus Between the EU Internal and External Dimensions of Security?


Chiara Loschi (University of Vienna) & Peter Slominski (University of Vienna): Frontex´s Consultative Forum and fundamental rights protection ten years after: Much ado about nothing? 


Mariana Gkliati (Leiden University): The next phase of the European Border and Coast Guard: towards operational effectiveness and greater autonomy in returns and externalisation

12.30 Recess

Panel VI: Third country perspectives on the EU migration law and policies

  Chair & discussant: Andrea Ott (Maastricht University)

Sanem Baykal (TOBB-ETU University) & Çiğdem Nas (Yildiz Technical University): Externalisation of Migration: The Case of Turkey-EU Cooperation


Julija Brsakoska-Bazerkoska (Ss. Cyril and Methodius University): The refugee relocation system in EU and its implications to the countries in the Western Balkans: the aftermath of the flawed reception conditions in the EU


Panagiota Koutrolikou (National Technical University of Athens): Legal geographies of (un)safety: Debating differentiated rights through the application of Internal Protection Alternative in asylum applications of Afghan nationals 


Conclusions and future publication plans


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