07 May 08 May
14:00 - 13:30
Centre for European Research in Maastricht

*CANCELLED* Workshop Institutional balance in turbulent times; a Jean Monnet event

Location: TBD

May 7 and 8, 2020

The institutional balance is both a legal and political concept that despite being well-established in the vocabulary of academics and practitioners remains elusive. The multiple crises that have hit the EU have also put the inter-institutional relations under pressure, possibly changing the different positions and roles which the EU institutions play vis-à-vis each other. How these relations legally ought to be, how they politically are in reality, or how they could be in an optimal system of governance is thus subject to evolution and mutation. The workshop will bring together political scientists, legal scholars, economists and practitioners. It aims to map out and analyse how the turbulent times which the EU has weathered since the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty have had an impact on the institutional balance. Should the institutional balance be recalibrated to ensure the legitimacy of EU governance?

For the panels focusing on policy fields, presenters are invited to reflect on the following questions:
How have the inter-institutional relations in your field evolved through the Lisbon Treaty and following the Lisbon Treaty?
Is there a discrepancy between the de facto/informal and de iure/formal institutional balance?
Has your field seen institutional turf wars (whether or not before the Court) between the institutions?
If so, have these turf wars changed the institutional balance?
If inter-institutional relations have changed (whether or not following turf wars), can we speak in terms of winners and losers?
How do you assess this change?
Has this change had an impact on the substance of the policy itself?

Preliminary programme


Thursday 7 May 


Registration and welcome   


Panel I Institutional balance – a legal, political and governance principle?
Chair: Bruno de Witte

Merijn Chamon: Institutional balance – a legal principle?
Tannelie Blom (TBC): the institutional balance – a political principle                         


Coffee break


Panel II Policies – EU external relations
Chair: TBD

EU trade
Law: Frank Hoffmeister
Politics: Ferdi de Ville, Ghent University
Law: Mauro Gatti, The Hague University of Applied Sciences
Politics: Kolja Raube (TBC)


Friday 8 May

09.30-11.15 Panel III Policies - EU Energy and climate policies 

Chair: Giselle Bosse

Law: Marjan Peeters
Politics: Sem Duijndam, University Amsterdam
Law: Leigh Hancher
Politics: Anna Herranz, Maastricht University


Coffee break


Panel IV Policies - EU Economic and Monetary Union
Chair: Diane Fromage

Law: Paul Dermine
Politics: Tobias Tesche (TBC)
Monetary policy
Law: Phedon Nicolaides
Politics: Aneta Spendzharova


Participation is free of charge. 
The registrationlink will be available soon on this page.  


Partly financed by CERIM budget Jean Monnet. 
Jean Monnet Projects support innovation, cross-fertilisation and the spread of European Union content.

Partly financed by Maastricht, Working on Europe.
The aim of Maastricht, Working on Europe, is to position Maastricht as a meeting place for citizen dialogue and debate and establish a Centre of Excellence for research on Europe and European integration. In short: a workplace for a better Europe. For everyone.
Website: www.maastrichteurope.nl
Twitter: @WorkingOnEurope

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