12 Oct
Studium Generale | Debate

Which Way is Germany? Current Affair Debate about the Refugee Crisis

This Debate Café is organised by ESA Concordantia, Studium Generale and UNSA.

Europe is in the midst of an unprecedented refugee crisis. The mass movement of migrants from Syria and other war torn nations, making the perilous journey this summer has raised issues among European nations. 

These questions include the ability to control external borders, the intervention Europe should take in these failed states and most recently the shortcomings of the EU’s policy on migration. 

Studium Generale, UNSA and ESA Concordantia will host a debate café on the 12th of October in which we will talk about these issues. Joining us will be experts on EU immigration, on Europe’s role in the Middle East, diaspora engagement, migration history, and there will a Syrian refugee who will talk about the human aspects of migration. 

Feel free to join in the conversation with the panel!

A picture of refugees in a boat

Teun Dekker, Vice Dean of Academic Affairs and Assistant Professor of Political Philosophy, University College Maastricht

Prof. Leo Lucassen, Research director at the International Institute for Social History, Leiden University.

Dr. Claudia Engelmann, lecturer in European Public Policy at Maastricht University (Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences). She teaches in the various European Studies programmes. She is an expert on EU asylum and migration policy. Her research expertise includes informal governance, national migration offices, country of origin information and safe country of origin policies.

Nora Jasmin Ragab, PhD fellow at UNU-MERIT/MGSoG. She holds a master's degree in Public Policy and Human Development with a specialization in Migration Studies. Her main research interest lies in the area of migration and development, with a focus on diaspora engagement. She conducted studies on the Syrian and Tunisian diaspora in Germany, looking among other things on how the Arab Spring influenced the diaspora consciousness.

Dr. Ammar Abo Hamida, MD. Aleppo University Hospital, MSc Internal Medicine, MSc Endocrinology, Medical Affairs Manager at pharmaceutical industries - had to flee Syria