01 Nov
20:00 - 21:45
Studium Generale | Debate Café

Debate Café | Inequality in Health (Care)

In our Debate Café, we not only give the floor to experts, but also challenge the audience to speak up and interact. In a lively and relaxed setting, we address the issue of inequality in health and accessibility to health care. It is already well known that there are large differences between the rich and poor when it comes to the possibilities for leading a healthy life and getting access to medicine and care. There are differences between countries, but also within their borders. But the pandemic makes it even more visible and shows us it is also a global issue. The gap is growing. Which groups got their vaccination first and quickly, and which have not yet had it? Why is this and how can we change it? Join us in the discussion.

In cooperation with FHML Honours Programme Students.


  • Prof. Wim Groot, Professor of Health Economics, UM
  • Jennifer Sellin, PhD, Assistent Professor International and European Law, UM
  • Prof. Klasien Horstman, Professor Philosophy of Public Health, UM


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