Special Interest Group Learning through Work
We would like to invite you to cross some professional boundaries and join this special, collaborative SIG meeting together with the SHE SIG on Workplace Learning.
The Special Interest Group Learning through Work (LEWO SIG) is a multidisciplinary group of researchers with various levels of experience in research and/or clinical practice, and from different backgrounds (e.g. psychology, management, medicine). Our members are fascinated by how healthcare professionals learn in, from and for practice. A few times per year, we organize online sessions of our SIG to stay connected with fellow SHE researchers and to discuss topics of shared interest.
Together with a member from the SIG on Interprofessional Education and Collaboration (IPE/C) we have now organised a joint open and online session for the SHE community.
For this July 3 meeting, we have invited Erin Barry (Uniformed Services University) and Guoyang Zhang (Maastricht University) to share their insights into followership in interprofessional teams. Erin and Guoyang will both give a brief presentation on their PhD research on Leadership and followership, highlighting multiple perspectives, barriers, and enablers as well as possibilities for training followership. We will use their presentations and the attached paper as a starting point for our discussion.
Barry ES, Teunissen P, Varpio L. Followership in interprofessional healthcare teams: a state-of-the-art narrative review BMJ Leader Published Online First: 11 September 2023. doi: 10.1136/leader-2023-000773 https://bmjleader.bmj.com/content/early/2023/09/11/leader-2023-000773.abstract
If leadership and followership in interprofessional collaboration is a topic that would be of interest to you, we like to invite you to join our online SIG session. It will take place on July 3rd, from 2:30-4:00pm Maastricht time on zoom (link below).
Please let us know in case you have any questions regarding the planned session in advance: carolin.sehlbach@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Best wishes on behalf of the LEWO and IPE/C SIG members
Renee Stalmeijer (chair IPE/C ) and Carolin Sehlbach (chair LEWO)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 894 3552 0316
Password: 594849
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