27 Jan

On-Site PhD conferral Supriya Dabir

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. C.A.B. Webers

Co-supervisors: Dr. T.T.J.M. Berendschot, Dr. J.S.A.G. Schouten

Key words: Retinal imaging, Adaptive optics, Optical coherence, tomography angiography

"High Resolution Retinal Imaging"

Ophthalmology is a technology-driven medical speciality with rapid advances in imaging science, both in hardware and software. This thesis aims to study the structure and function of the retina, the nerve layer of the eye. We discuss two modalities in this thesis, namely adaptive optics (AO) to study the neural network and optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) to analyse the blood vessels of the retina. These advances in retinal imaging have allowed for better understanding of the eye in health and disease and may be a surrogate marker for systemic health.

Click here for the live stream.

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