09 Nov

On-Site PhD conferral Paula J.P.W. Bartholomeus

Supervisor: Prof. dr. T.A.M.J. van Amelsvoort           

Co-supervisors: Prof. dr. M. Fitzgerald, Trinity College Dublin; Prof. dr. D. Marazziti, University of Pisa

Key words: ReAttach, W.A.R.A., stress-related complaints, resilience

"ReAttach - A transdiagnostic intervention for adults and children with mental health problems"

Stress tolerance and resilience become increasingly important due to global threats such as the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change. Interventions that help to cope better with stress might reduce psychological complaints. ReAttach is a brief and gentle intervention aiming to help children and adults with mental health problems improve the processing of stressors and foster resilience. The focus on healthy sensory processing makes ReAttach suitable for a broad range of children and adults with mental health problems. Wiring Affect with ReAttach (W.A.R.A.) is an element of ReAttach that helps to reduce negative feelings shortly. Therapists can apply W.A.R.A. face-to-face or remote therapy as a self-regulation tool. This dissertation presents the first results of the practice-based studies.  Further scientific research through Randomized Controlled Trials is needed to determine the effectiveness of ReAttach and W.A.R.A.

Click here for the live stream.

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