02 Jun

On-Site PhD conferral ms. Katja Zimmermann, LL.M

Supervisors: prof.dr. Sjef van Erp, prof.dr. Reiner Schulze (University of Münster)

Key words: land registration, real estate, cross-border transactions, comparative property law

"Facilitating Cross-Border Real Estate Transactions in Europe: An Exploration"

Buying real estate in a different European country is a complex understanding. The aim of this research is to explore how such European cross-border real estate transactions can be facilitated. To determine how the high complexity that underlies such transactions can be reduced, four steps were taken. First, to gain a solid understanding of how the process of acquiring real estate works on national level, the land registration systems of the Netherlands, Germany, and England & Wales were described and compared with each other. On the basis hereof, analyzed was which obstacles European citizens and legal professionals face when they are involved in a cross-border real estate transaction. Afterwards, the relevant European and international initiatives were discussed and it was assessed to what extent they respond to the obstacles that were identified. Finally, strategies for the further facilitation of cross-border real estate transactions were formulated.

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