30 Sep

On-Site PhD conferral mrs. Ellen G.J. Ripmeester

Supervisors: Prof.dr. T.J.M. Welting, Prof.dr. L.W. van Rhijn

Co-supervisor: Dr. M.M.J. Caron

Key words: arthrosis, BMP7, BMP7-peptides, cartilage

"BMP7 as a Multifactorial Growth Factor for Cartilage Homeostasis"

This thesis aimed to deepen the current knowledge on the biomolecular processes in the development and progression of (knee)osteoarthritis to allow for new insights and the development of novel treatment options. During osteoarthritis development, the cells residing in the cartilage develop into several subtypes, including the hypertrophic and fibrotic subtype. Previously it has been demonstrated that BMP7 can delay the development of osteoarthritis due to its anti-hypertrophic properties. This thesis however, demonstrates that BMP7 also reduces the fibrocartilage cells. Additionally, it is demonstrated that protein-synthesis is of great importance to maintain a healthy population of cartilage cells, a process in which BMP7 is positively involved. To increase the clinical applicability of BMP7 BMP7-peptides were developed which are able to mimic the positive influence of BMP7 in osteoarthritis. Together these findings may lead to a novel treatment option for osteoarthritis, which focusses on the biomolecular processes involved.

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