24 Sep

On-Site PhD conferral mr. Walderik Jacob van der Vliet

Supervisor: prof.dr C.H. C. Dejong

Co-supervisors: dr. R.M. van Dam, prof. A.J. Moser, Harvard

Key words: surgery, minimally invasive surgery, robotic surgery, pancreatic surgery, surgical education, non-technical skills

"Minimally invasive hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery"

New equipment and techniques are being introduced into the surgical field at increasing rates. The surgical theatre has changed drastically in the past decade and will continue to do so in the future at an even greater pace. This PhD thesis incorporates several studies focused on the safe and effective adoption of Minimally Invasive Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic (MI-HPB) surgery.

The conclusion is that implementation of new surgical technology in a simulated environment, competency-based learning, real-time monitoring of the results and the involvement of the entire surgical team will become increasingly important in the future. If safe and effective implementation programmes can keep pace with innovation rates, surgeons and patients will benefit from the endless possibilities of technology now and in the future.

Click here for the live stream.

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