01 Dec

On-Site PhD conferral Jessica Bruijel

Supervisor: Prof. dr. C.M. van Heugten

Co-supervisors: Dr. A. Vermeeren, Dr. S.Z. Stapert

Key words: traumatic brain injury, fatigue, sleep

"Tired of being tired: Fatigue and sleep following traumatic brain injury"

In the disease processes following all severities of acquired brain injury, fatigue and sleep disturbances are highly prevalent and may last from the initial recovery phase up until years post-injury. Furthermore, these symptoms are associated with poorer social, physical, cognitive, and general functioning. This leads to reduced capacity for performing activities such as work, studying, leisure activities, and less functional independence and social relationships. Where do these complaints come from and which factors go hand in hand with these complaints? This dissertation investigated the behavioural and neuronal underpinnings and associated factors of fatigue and sleep problems after traumatic brain injury. A better understanding of the underlying factors associated with fatigue and sleep disturbances might aid the development of new treatments aimed at reducing fatigue and sleep disturbances following brain injury.

Click here for the full dissertation.

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