04 Jun

Online PhD conferral mr. Alexis Antoniades

Supervisors: prof.dr. Cees van Dam, prof.dr. Bruno de Witte

Key words: human rights, EU, remedies, international law

"Remedies for Human Rights Violations by the European Union"

Where EU action affects the legal or factual situation of an individual, guarantees for the affected persons’ rights must exist. If rights have been violated, a remedy must be provided. This thesis concentrates on this relationship between the EU and individual applicants in human rights cases. It critically analyses how the EU may be held accountable for violations of human rights through procedures and remedies available to the individual applicant. The key in this situation is for the EU to find a role in the spectrum of human rights law, where it will bear human rights obligations and individuals will be the right holders who may claim their rights. The thesis focuses on procedures for annulling an EU act, claiming damages against the EU as well as engaging the EU’s responsibility under international law.

Click here for the full dissertation.

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