26 May

PhD defence Adou Mouah Felix Junior Sally - online defence

Supervisors: prof.dr. M.G. Faure and dr. Y.D. Tiebley, Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny of Cocody, Abidjan

Key words: port concessions; public domain; Autonomous Port of Abidjan; private public partnership; legal status; container terminal

Le Statut Juridique Du Port Autonome D’Abidjan

The Ivorian authorities have gradually defined the legal status of the Autonomous Port of Abidjan. This legal status is made up of national and Community standards, which lead to conflicts arising from the concurrent application of these two categories of standards. Also, the propensity of the Autonomous Port of Abidjan to use peremptory or even threatening rules is reflected in the very precarious situation of the port's concessionaires. Therefore, it is advisable to resort to public-private partnership contracts and to the possibility to constitute commercial property on the public domain. In addition, it is important to divide the Port into two separate entities: one will be responsible for regulatory functions while the other will take the form of a mixed economy company with the mission of operating mainly the container terminals.

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