26 Apr

PhD conferral Ms Marjolein F. van Wijk-Herbrink, MSc.

Supervisors: prof.dr. D.P. Bernstein, prof.dr. A. Arntz
Co-supervisors: dr. J. Roelofs, dr. N.J. Broers

Keywords: schema therapy, young people, behavioural problems, closed youth care

"Schema therapy in adolescents with externalizing behavior problems: bridging theory and practice"

Defiant and aggressive young people encounter various problems, such as maximising their use of time, engaging with social contacts or becoming involved in criminal activities. Their behavioural problems often become part of their personalities, which can hinder therapeutic treatment and require admission to a closed youth care facility. The treatment process for these young people tends to focus on behavioural problems, while treating the underlying personality issues with an approach like schema therapy can yield better results. Schema therapy can help to identify the origins of behavioural problems in an effort to change them. This helps young people function properly in society. Schema therapy appears to bring about a reduction in both behavioural problems and personality problem.

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