10 May

PhD Conferral Mrs.drs. Maud H.E. Jansen

Supervisor: prof.dr. P.M. Steijlen
Co-supervisors: dr. K. Mosterd, dr. N.W.J. Kelleners-Smeets

Keywords: skin cancer, actinic keratosis, basal cell carcinoma

“Evidence for treatment of  epidermal keratinocyte neoplasms”

The number of Dutch people with skin cancer and its early stages is increasing. Approximately 1.4 million Dutch people over 50 have actinic keratosis - one of the pre-stages. There are various treatments for this condition, but until now, there was no consensus about which treatment was the best. Our study shows that 5-fluorouracil cream is most effectively appreciated by patients and is the cheapest treatment. One in 5-6 Dutch people get the most common form of skin cancer: basal cell carcinoma. There are various treatments for the superficial form of basal cell carcinoma. In this study, 3 different non-invasive treatments are compared. We found that imiquimod was the most effective.

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