11 Jan

PhD Conferral Mrs. Timme M.A.J. van Vuuren, MSc.

Supervisor: prof.dr. C.H.A. Wittens
Co-supervisor: dr. R. de Graaf

Keywords: deep venous obstruction, stent patency

"Deep venous obstruction: towards optimizing treatment strategies"

Deep venous obstruction is relatively common in patients with chronic venous disease and is caused by either post-thrombotic vein damage, extraluminal vein compression or a combination of both.  With increasing in‐depth knowledge of the pathophysiological mechanisms, we know that venous outflow of the leg is compromised, and venous hypertension can occur. This thesis evaluates the outcomes of patients treated in the Maastricht University Medical Center and Klinikum Aachen over the past decade. We then identified variables that could influence and improve outcomes, specifically improve stent patency. This thesis investigates both the technical and clinical optimization methods and focuses on pre‐operative patient selection.

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