30 Jan

PhD Conferral Mrs. Sylvia Roozen, MSc.

Supervisors: prof.dr. L.M.G. Curfs, prof.dr. G.J. Kok
Co-supervisor: dr. G.J. Peters, OUN

Keywords: prevention, alcohol, pregnancy, fetal alcohol syndrome, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, multidisciplinary

"Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders; an important health problem in need and prevention"

The fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is a serious and worldwide health problem. FASD is an umbrella term for the indication of birth defects caused by prenatal exposure to ethyl alcohol. Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can harm the unborn child and therefore prevention is important. Developing successful health promotion programs requires a thorough understanding of the problem. A multidisciplinary approach is required for FASD. This study (a) describes a framework for developing health-enhancing programs; gathers data on the extent and severity of the problem, the mother's drinking behavior during pregnancy, the psychosocial determinants (why some pregnant women continue to drink), the etiology and pathogenesis, incontinence as an illustration of a pediatric problem, and finally the problem of stigma. This research shows that the development of effective intervention programs is not easy due to gaps in our knowledge about the problem and the influence of complicating contextual factors. The first important step for FASD prevention is to carry out a proper problem analysis. We still do not know enough about the scale and seriousness of the problem. Our knowledge about diagnostics, treatment and counseling is also inadequate.

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