09 Apr

PhD conferral mrs. Sophie M.J. Leijdesdorff

Supervisors: prof.dr. T.A.M.J. van Amelsvoort, prof.dr. A. Popma, AMC

Co-supervisor: dr. R.M.C. Klaassen, AMC

Key words: Youth mental health, psychiatry, psychology, accessible care, adolescence, youth

"Ain't no mountain high enough - How to improve access to youth mental health care"

The majority of psychiatric disorders arise before the age of 25 and therefore pose a risk to development. However, especially among young people, there is a gap between care needs and the care they actually receive. In other words, those who need it most are least likely to receive adequate help. Globally, several youth mental health initiatives have emerged in recent years, with the aim of better matching the supply to the demand of young people. In 2018, the Dutch @ease drop-in centres were established. In these centres, young people from 12 to 25 years old find a listening ear for questions or concerns about their mental or physical health or about finances, sexuality, work, education or their social situation. Research within @ease shows that the burden of psychological problems among young people is high and they experience several barriers when they (want to) seek help. This dissertation shows both the necessity and the feasibility of low-threshold help for young people, both within and outside the GGZ.

Click here for the full dissertation.

Click here for the live stream.

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