04 Oct

PhD Conferral Mrs. Mirre den Ouden, MSc.

Supervisors: prof.dr. J.P.H. Hamers, prof.dr. S.M.G. Zwakhalen
Co-supervisor: dr. J.J.M. Meijers

Keywords: nursing home, care, activities, exercise, nurse, awareness

"EVERY STEP COUNTS; Daily activities of nursing home residents and the role of nursing staff"

This dissertation examines the daily activities of nursing home residents and the role played by nurses and caregivers. The most common activities are sleeping, watching TV and doing nothing. Household activities are extremely rare, as nearly half of these daily tasks are performed by nurses and caregivers. An intervention was developed (DAIly NURSE) to help nurses and caregivers encourage nursing home residents to engage in daily activities. DAIly NURSE consists of policy, education and coaching and aims to raise awareness of one's own behaviour through video recordings and other methods. Nursing home residents seem to be more involved in daily activities after the implementation of DAIly NURSE.

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