12 Dec

PhD Conferral Mrs. drs. Brena Carvalho Pinto de Melo

Supervisor: prof.dr. J.J.G. v. Merriënboer, prof.dr. C. v.d Vleuten
Co-supervisor: prof.dr. A.R. Falbo, IMIP Brasil

“Simulation Design Matters; Improving Obstetrics Training Outcomes”

Healthcare simulation training has spread worldwide leading to a search for its optimal effectiveness. Instructional Design (ID) guidelines derive from sound learning theories and can be used to improve simulation training design. This thesis aimed to explore the impact of such guidelines for postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) simulation training. PPH is the world-leading cause of maternal mortality and has similar management to other healthcare high-risk situations. The findings show that the application of ID guidelines for designing PPH simulation training leads to better learning, transfer of learning and patient outcomes. Unfortunately, existing PPH simulation training still poorly adheres to ID guidelines.  

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