22 Jun

PhD conferral Mrs Clotilde Mahé, MSc.

Supervisors: prof.dr. W. Naudé; prof.dr. M. Siegel

Keywords: migration, occupational choice, social protection

"Essays on Migration and Occupational Choice"

Motivated by the growing interest in migration as an economic and social phenomenon, this thesis explores several aspects of the relationship between migration and occupational choice. Consisting of four self-contained essays, findings suggest that, while migration might develop entrepreneurial abilities, self-employment tends to be more of a temporary choice when market-supporting institutions are lacking. Turning to those who stay behind, the return of migrant household members appears to alter the time allocation of non-migrating members, spouses, even once migration is complete. Last, publicly provided healthcare is shown to condition migration, directly or indirectly, through effects on the labour force.

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