14 Sep

PhD Conferral Mr.drs. Peter Feczko

Supervisor: prof.dr. L.W. van Rhijn
Co-supervisor: dr. P.J. Emans, dr. J.J. Arts

Keywords: knee arthroplasty, innovations, computer navigation, mobile-bearing knee arthroplasty, minimally invasive surgery

“Innovations in total knee arthroplasty and their evaluations”

Knee arthroplasty is a safe and sustainable operation to treat arthrosis of the knee. However, just 85% of patients are satisfied with the operation and 30% experience unexplained pain and functional limitations. In this dissertation, clinical research was conducted on the innovations in knee arthroplasty over the last decade. The impact of surgical techniques and prosthesis designs on clinical outcomes was examined, as was minimally invasive surgery, computer-assisted surgery, mobile-bearing knee arthroplasty, advanced technology for surgical planning, new saw blades and a new method for more accurate tibia placement.

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