24 Jan

PhD Conferral Mr. Roy P.M.G. Broersma, MSc.

Supervisor: prof.dr. A. de Grip
Co-supervisor: dr. A. v. Gils

Keywords: SMEs,  innovation, RGO+

"Innovation in SMEs; why some SMEs are better able to innovate than others"

This dissertation has as a central question why some SMEs are better able to innovate than others. Innovation is important for the long-term survival of SMEs. While SMEs have characteristics that allow them to excel in innovation, in reality, only a relatively small number is actually able to realize a competitive advantage through innovation.  Using a micro-foundations perspective, this dissertation illustrates that the entrepreneur’s dynamic capabilities, the firm’s knowledge development activities, the involvement of the CEO in the strategy process and the firm’s partner choices in the innovation process determine innovation success in SMEs. The RGO+ process, a method developed by Syntens with the financial support of the province of Limburg, can enhance innovation outcomes in SMES.

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