19 Feb

PhD conferral mr. Pim van Montfort, MSc. MD

Supervisor: prof. dr. L.J.M. Smits; prof. dr. M.E.A. Spaanderman

Co-supervisor: dr. H.C.J. Scheepers

Key words: pregnancy, prediction models, implementation, personalized care

"Implementing personalized obstetric care"

Unfortunately, pregnancies do not always happen without complications. Although in some cases complications can be well treated, prevention is better than cure. It is therefore useful if an obstetrician or gynecologist can make a good estimate of the potential risks at the beginning of the pregnancy.

In the Expect study, described in this thesis, models that make it possible to estimate the risk of pregnancy poisoning or pregnancy diabetes (so-called prediction models) were applied in birth care in combination with care pathways tailored to the personal risk. The first results show that the models were frequently used. Additional advice and measures were frequently discussed and applied in a substantial group of women. The research shows that more healthy babies were born during the application of the new birth care, especially among women who were pregnant for the first time. In addition, the new birth care has led to a significant cost reduction of on average € 2,700 per pregnancy.

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  • 11 Oct

    PhD Defence Anne C.M. Cuijpers

    "Optimizing perioperative care in abdominal surgery: Towards a personalized treatment using preoperative risk assessment and the patient’s perspective"