27 Sep

PhD Conferral Mr. Michael Lührs, MSc.

Supervisor: prof.dr. R. Goebel
Co-supervisors: dr. B. Sorger, dr. F. Espositio

Keywords: brain, fMRI, fNIRS, BCI

"New avenues towards mobile brain computer interfaces: the impact of real-time and fast fMRI"

This dissertation considers the creation and advancement of methods for real-time Brain-Computer-Interface (BCI) applications. The developed methods were designed for two functional brain-imaging modalities, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), both relying on the hemodynamic brain response. The aim was to evolve comprehensive methods for neurofeedback (NFB) applications available to a wider range of researchers. In NFB experiments the brain activity in specific areas was shown to the participants to teach them to self-regulate their brain function. First the automatized selection of target areas for real-time fMRI (rt-fMRI) BCI applications were presented. We then investigated the benefits of technological advancements in MR-image acquisition allowing high temporal resolutions for neurofeedback presentations. Finally, a new software was developed (Turbo-Satori) for mobile BCI applications using fNIRS – a mobile brain spectroscopy method.

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