22 Nov

PhD Conferral Mr. drs. Henricus G. Weinberg

Supervisors: prof.dr. A. Berkvens; prof.dr. B. van Hofstraeten

"Vrije Rijksheerlijkheden’ in Limburg (1500-1800):Deconstructie van een myth"


Before 1800, Dutch and Belgian Limburg had known delicacies that were not integrated into the larger territorial territories, traditionally treated as "free imperialities". This qualification is critically examined from a legal-historical perspective. Were these goodies "free" and "rich"? What concrete relationships did they have with the Holy Roman Empire, but also with landlords in the area? The developments in the relationship between these glories and the Aachen chair are given a great deal of attention, as well as the significance of the Reich Chamber Court and the Reich Court Council for these areas. In this context, the question is also raised of whether or not Thorn was a principality. More than twenty delights are treated, six of which are extensive. It is concluded that "free government glory" is a flag that rarely covers the load.

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