PhD conferral Gemma M.C. van Ruitenbeek
Supervisors: Prof. dr. F. R. H. Zijlstra, Prof. dr. U. R. Hülsheger
Keywords: Assessment of work capacity, workplace learning & development, people with limited work capacity/people with disabilities
"Inclusion and beyond Assessment and monitoring development of the work capacity of people with limited work capacity"
This research maps out how the work capacity of people with limited work capacity can be measured, and how their development during work can be monitored. The target group is a very diverse group of people with a large variety of competencies that do not match the labor market requirements. For that reason, they cannot find and maintain work independently.
This research focuses on identifying the psychological and personal characteristics of these people, which are characteristics that are known as important predictors of work behavior and work performance in science. This research is of added value because now the work capacity of the target group can be mapped out with validated measures, in contrast to mapping out the bio-medical incapacity that still prevails within social security. This research has resulted in the validation of the Maastricht Work Capacity Monitor (MW©M), an instrument that can facilitate not only the inclusion but also the development during work of the target group, thus ‘to go beyond inclusion’.
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