24 Jan

PhD conferral Dhr. Egbert Willem Strookappe, MSc.

Supervisors: prof.dr. M. Drent; prof.dr. J. De Vries

"Physical fitness; fatique and physical trainingin sarcoidosis"

Keywords: sarcoidosis, treatment, physical training

This dissertation examines the effect of physical training in sarcoidosis patients. Sarcoidosis is a disorder of the immune system which may involve the entire body and usually affects the lungs.  It is often accompanied by fatigue, pain and loss of fitness. As a result, the disorder is disabling to some degree. Strookappe shows that physical training considerably improves the patient’s quality of life and reduces fatigue regardless of age, gender, respiratory fitness or medication use. Little is known about the effect of physical training in sarcoidosis. The results of this dissertation are, therefore, a useful addition to the current drug treatment of sarcoidosis.

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  • 11 Oct

    PhD Defence Anne C.M. Cuijpers

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