06 Sep
Studium Generale

PAS-festival 2018 | Opening

For the fifth time Studium Generale organises the Pleasure, Art and Science Festival. During the PAS Festival, Maastricht University will be opening the doors of some of its buildings to anyone with an inquiring mind who wants to be treated to an adventure-packed evening. Delve into the latest research at the university and treat yourself to concerts, theatre, street theatre, dance, comedy, art, demos and guided tours. And enjoy a drink in between.

The festival hub is located at the Student Service Centre at Bonnefantenstraat 2, where you can pick up a free festival guide to help plan your evening. But of course you can also just wander about and let things take you by surprise!

Opening PAS-festival 2018

Clowns: the art of losing or why being a fool is important in a neo-liberal society
THU 6 SEPTEMBER, 20:00 Auditorium, Minderbroedersberg 4-6

Lecture by Leo Bassi, clown. In this lecture, the famous clown Leo Bassi gives his view of the world of circus and clowns. A view that differs from the romanticised version held by most people. In his view, circus is a much more politicised environment, where the working class finds pride in a utopian adventure under the big top. Bassi sees circus as the revenge of the losers, where poor and common people can prove that they too can dream and live adventurous lives. The clown goes one step further: by glorifying the fool, he destroys the power of power and opens the way to a classless, democratic society where laughter is the great equaliser. 

You can reserve your spot here

Projekt Rakija Balkan Music
THU 6 SEPTEMBER, 21:15 Inner Courtyard, Bonnefantenstraat 2

Projekt Rakija is a band formed and led by Bosnian producer and guitar player Igor Sekulovic. Igor was born in Bosnia-Herzegovina and fled the war to live in the Netherlands. The band combines Balkan music with a 'high-energy' mixture of groovy beats, exuberant Balkan horns and screaming rock guitar.

Freely accessible without reservation.


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