08 Sep 09 Sep
19:00 - 00:00
Studium Generale | PAS-festival


The resounding success of the previous editions of the PAS-festival has prompted the decision by Maastricht University’s Board of Governors to continue the festival.

Download the programmebooklet here.

This year, the fourth edition will take place on Friday 8 and Saturday 9 September 2017. In order to avoid confusion with Het Parcours, the opening of the Maastricht cultural season that is taking place on the same weekend, and to do justice to the festival’s relaxed and pleasant character, there will be a small change to the name of the festival: the P now stands for Pleasure, meaning that the PAS-festival has been rechristened Festival of Pleasure, Arts and Science.

Over the course of two evenings, dozens of scientists, musicians, actors and artists will be presenting their work in and around the university buildings of the Jekerkwartier, in Maastricht.

Once again, there is free admission to the festival.

One of the goals of the festival, which is organised by Studium Generale, is to provide residents of the Maastricht region with an accessible introduction to the research that is carried out at the university: Science. Another important branch is the fine arts, mainly in the form of music and theatre: Arts. And all of this is seasoned with Pleasure, not only through a small programme of clownesque street theatre, but also because all the participants and visitors join in creating a wonderful atmosphere and enjoying a varied programme together.

The festival opens already on Thursday 7 September, at 20.00, with the musical-literary performance Ik hoorde dat er geluisterd werd, a crossover between literature (poetry and prose by Armando, read by the author himself) and music by Oleg Lysenko on bayan (a Russian button accordion) and on bandoneon.

More info about the complete programme: www.pasmaastricht.nl

Alumni Homecoming Event & PAS-festival

On Saturday 9 September, the University of Maastricht organizes an alumni day during the PAS-festival. During the alumni meetings, alumni can enjoy musical and theatrical performances and 'old school' lectures in their faculty, acts that can also be seen during the PAS-festival later that day. 

You can find an overview of all the Alumni Homecoming Events here.


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