08 Feb

Online PhD conferral mrs. Qianqian Kong

Supervisor: prof.dr. H.J.M. Peters

Co-supervisor: prof. H. Sun, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China

Key words: power index, effectivity function, issue, myopic play, equilibrium, associated games

"Power indices, Claims Games and Core Selection"

Both cooperative as well as noncooperative approaches are studied in this thesis. It investigates the power of players in cooperative games depending on the issues at stake, and the positions of players in marriage problems. Considered are sequential claim games, in which players sequentially put claims on an estate in a given order and focus on myopic strategies, in a way to find strategy profiles that are a Nash equilibrium or, strongly, a subgame perfect equilibrium. By defining a sequence of associated games , core selection is also studied to optimize the core of a transferable utility game. As the cores of the associated games are increasingly stable, the last one of the nonempty cores in this sequence is the final optimized set.

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