26 Feb

Online PhD conferral mrs. Nynke Simons

Supervisors: prof.dr. M.C.G.J. Brouwers, prof. dr. C.D.A. Stehouwer, prof. dr. N.C. Schaper

Key words: Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), cardiovascular diseases, cholesterol, fructose, genetic research, randomised controlled trial (RCT)

"Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in relation to Cardiovascular Disease: Is all fat equal?"

Cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of death in the world. People with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease have been shown to have an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease. The most common nonalcoholic liver fattening consists of fattening, inflammation and scarring of the liver in the absence of excessive alcohol consumption. Various research methods have shown that nonalcoholic fatty liver disease does not necessarily cause cardiovascular disease. The relationship between nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and cardiovascular disease depends on the mechanism underlying the development of the nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Increased production and release of fats by the liver is particularly harmful to the heart and blood vessels.

Fructose has also been shown to contribute to the development of fatty liver disease. It was thought that this is because fructose can be converted into fat. However, this research on people with a hereditary metabolic disease shows other mechanisms also play a role. Fructose also seems to play a role as a signal substance in the liver. 

The findings have implications for the treatment of people with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, specifically to diet or the development of new medication.

Click here for the full dissertation.

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