05 Mar

Online PhD conferral mrs. Marije Oosterhoff

Supervisors: Prof.dr. M.A. Joore, Prof.dr. O.C.P. van Schayck, Prof.dr. H. Bosma

Key words: Lifestyle behaviours, children, primary school, cost-effectiveness, health

"The Healthy Primary School of the Future: evaluating the health-economic impact of primary school-based lifestyle interventions"

Half of the adult people in the Netherlands are overweight or obese, and this amount is expected to rise in the near future. Overweight and obesity increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes and early mortality. Early attention for healthy habits is thus of utmost importance. Various school programs focus on establishing healthy eating habits and physical activity among children. The cost-effectiveness of these programs is often determining for decisions on the implementation, continuation, and financing. The aim of this thesis is to assess the cost-effectiveness of lifestyle interventions for primary schools. Firstly, the health effects of existing school-based lifestyle interventions were summarized. Secondly, employed methods for estimating the cost-effectiveness of school-based lifestyle interventions were identified. Last, the cost-effectiveness of the Healthy Primary School of the Future, a program in Southern-Limburg with healthy lunches and extra physical activity, was assessed.

Click here for the full dissertation.

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