17 Mar

Online PhD conferral mrs. Katya Y.J. Sion

Supervisors: Prof.dr. J.P.H. Hamers, Prof.dr. H. Verbeek, Prof.dr. G.J. Odekerken-Schröder

Key words: Quality assessment, quality of care, nursing homes, relationship-centred care, narrative inquiry

"Connecting Conversations - Experienced quality of care from the resident’s perspective: a narrative method for nursing homes"

This dissertation aimed to develop a method to assess quality of care in nursing homes from the resident’s perspective. By performing research together with residents, their representatives, nursing home staff and national stakeholders, this research resulted in the assessment method: Connecting Conversations (Ruimte voor Zorg). Connecting Conversations assesses experienced quality of care in nursing homes from the resident’s perspective by conducting separate conversations with a resident, a family member of that resident and a professional caregiver of that resident (care triad). Four key elements of the method are that 1) it approaches experienced quality of care as a dynamic process influenced by expectations and interactions; 2) it includes the resident-family-caregiver care triad (relationship-centred care); 3) it adopts a appreciative inquiry approach, and 4) interviewers are nursing home staff members who perform conversations with a supportive app in each other’s care organizations after having received a training (learning network).

Click here for the full dissertation.

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