16 Sep

Online PhD conferral mr. Michael Oteng-Peprah

Supervisor: prof. dr. N.K. de Vries

Co-supervisor: prof. M. Agbesi Achaempong

Key words: greywater, reuse, theory of planned behaviour, willingness, adsorption

"Sustainable wastewater management; exploring the option of greywater reuse in a developing country – Ghana"

The research explored greywater reuse strategies in a developing country. Quality and quantity estimation of greywater was assessed which established the detrimental effect of unregulated discharge of greywater into the environment. The study experimented the use of a locally produced adsorbent in reducing targeted contaminants in greywater and further studied associated behaviour relating to users. The local material was successful in reducing the targeted pollutant to the recommended guideline values. The study also established that, preference for greywater reuse was more geared toward non-potable uses. The research concludes that to convince household heads to adopt greywater treatment and reuse systems, specific drivers of intentions must be addressed in the campaign.

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