12 Feb

Online PhD conferral mr. Jordi Elings

Supervisor: prof.dr. N.L. van Meeteren

Co-supervisors: dr. T.J. Hoogeboom, Radboud UMC Nijmegen, dr. S.M. van Gaalen, UMC Utrecht

Key words: Hip operation, knee operation, osteoarthritis, prediction, personalisation, individual patient

"Making functional assessment functional application with patients before and after their total hip or total knee arthroplasty"

A complete hip or knee operation performed on patients in the last stage of osteoarthritis leads to the desired result in only two to five patients out of ten. Caring for patients after a complete hip or knee operation is still too focused on the standard patient. However, this standard patient is rare. Therefore, this dissertation advocates for tailor-made care for each individual patient, in which prediction, prevention, personalisation and participation play an important role. The results of the thesis provide tools to further personalise individual patients’ care in a way that the patient’s functional wishes and possibilities, before and after the operation, are central.

Click here for the full dissertation.

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