30 Jun
14:00 - 17:00

NWA Hypothes.is Text Annotations Workshop



Text annotation of legal documents using NWA Hypothes.is extension

With the growing interest in empirical studies in law, text annotations are becoming increasingly important. How to design your own labelled data set? In this workshop, the NWA team will introduce the new Hypothes.is annotation tool extension. We will demonstrate the tool’s interface, annotation process, and extraction of labelled data. You will learn the basics of annotation schema design, how to use the tool on (legal) texts of your choice and extract the data in a variety of formats.

To make the most out of this workshop, please bring along some text that you would like to annotate. This should be either in a PDF file or on a public web page on the Web. Examples of texts to annotate from the legal field may include: published court decision texts, social media posts, copies of contracts etc. Again, these should be either in PDF file format or available on a public website.


Schedule LawTechLab workshop3
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