01 Nov 22 Nov
07:00 - 12:00

November 2017 - 25 Years of NUTRIM

NUTRIM is celebrating its 25th anniversary. We've invited our network to join in the festivities, which will take place all through November. They will include a two-day Introduction Course for new PhD Students (1 - 2 November) with NUTRIM CafĂ© (2 November), Pizza Movie Night (9 November), Battle of the Departments Quiz (16 November) and the Annual NUTRIM Symposium followed by a special dinner buffet and party (22 November).

You are cordially invited to attend the Annual NUTRIM Symposium and Celebration with the theme 'Nutrition and Metabolism: Translation in Action' on Wednesday 22 November 2017
Venue: Minderbroedersberg 4 - 6, Maastricht. 

Download the full programme of our anniversary activities (PDF file).


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