09 Mar
19:30 - 21:15

The Netherlands out of the EU: What would it cost us?

In the light of the upcoming general elections in the Netherlands, a lot of citizens are questioning the membership of the country in the European Union. What are the consequences of a possible NEXIT and what are the pros and cons thereof? In this KNAW symposium in Maastricht four KNAW-members will cover what will happen after the Netherlands leave the EU. A special focus will be laid on the areas of criminal law, private law, and economics. This event will be held in Dutch. 


Arnoud Boot, full professor of economics at Amsterdam University
André Klip, full professor of criminal law at Maastricht University
Jan Smits, full professor of private law at Maastricht University

Corien Prins, full professor of law and computerisation at Tilburg University and soon chairwoman of WRR will modarate the symposium and debate.

The full programme can be found on the KNAW website  

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