13 Apr
Studium Generale | Museum Tour

Museum Tour: Weltsichten (World-views): Landscape in Art

This tour is part of the lectures series on Landscape in Art that finished 27 March.

The lecture series was in connection with the exhibition Weltsichten from 25 February to 29 June in the Bonnefantenmuseum.
The exhibition revolves around landscape in the art of the 15th to 21st century. On its visit to Maastricht, this touring exhibition will introduce you to the often surprising developments within this theme. You will be taken on a journey from early European landscape art to modern-day photography and video art.

An image of trees

We offer a special tour on Sunday 13 April at 11 am by the curators of the exhibition Paula van den Bosch, curator Contemporary Art and Lars Hendrikman, curator Old Masters.