MORSE Thesis Award 2024
The MORSE initiative will award a prize for student master's and bachelor's theses. Are you interested in how to enter the competition, which are the eligibility criteria, which prizes will be awarded and how the jury is selected? Please refer to the text below

Enter the competition
In the period 19 October to 22 December 2024 (23:59:59 PM) supervisors are invited to enter excellent theses (8.0 and higher) for consideration to the MORSE general email address: The submission will be considered if there is the complete thesis (including appendices) in a single .pdf document and a short recommendation letter of the supervisor indicating for which prize the thesis is submitted (BSc. or MSc.) and how the supervisor sees the link to the MORSE themes.
The prizes will be announced and awarded on Monday 27 of January 2025 during the MORSE Annual Research Day at 16h00 in the Aula, at SBE premises.
Eligible are all theses written and graded at UM on MORSE related topics in the academic year before.
There will be a prize for the best BSc. and the best MSc.-thesis (500 and 1000 euro and a certificate).
Supervisors can enter a thesis in the competition, the prize is awarded to the student(s).
The prizes will be announced and awarded in January.
Depending on the number of submissions, a jury will be drafted from the pool of MORSE members who have NOT entered a thesis.
These jury members read 3 thesis each (so the jury consists of #submissions/3 members) and fill out a short assessment form.
If the jury deems the quality of all submitted theses insufficient to warrant a prize, none will be awarded.
The president of the jury collects the forms and creates a shortlist of 3 based on the assessments.
The complete jury then votes on these 3.
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12 Apr09:00 - 16:00
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