15 Jan
20:30 - 22:00
Studium Generale | Theatrical lecture

Meet the millenials

In this theatrical lecture, performance creator Lucas De Man (NL/BE) takes you on a fascinating tour of six megacities in Asia. You will meet a contemporary generation of hope in Seoul, Singapore, Taipei, Tokyo, Hong Kong and Shenzhen. Meet the Millennials inspires. It connects stories of daily life, work, education, artificial intelligence, emancipation and individual happiness. Lucas De Man shows the mind-blowing effects of radical, fast-forward changes in thought. It is the story of a taboo-breaking generation in East and West.  

The performance is a combination of film footage, documentary, manga animations, storytelling and the most unlikely encounters with artists, scientists, social activists, students and professors. It is part of the project Hello Asia, initiated by New Heroes: www.projecthelloasia.com.

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