18 Apr 23 Apr

Maastricht University’s Sustainability Week

From 18 to 23 April 2017, different student organisations at Maastricht University will be participating in a university-wide Sustainability Week. The week is centred days around International Earth Day (April 21st). It is organised by Maastricht University’s Green Office, a student-run organisation that helps the university transition towards a greener campus.


The event will be kicked off with a tree planting ceremony at the Faculty of Law, followed by an official opening event during which –amongst other things – the Corporate Social Responsibility lab will provide a presentation. 

Other activities

Over the course of the week, participating organisations will also be offering various sustainability-themed activities, varying from vegan cooking workshops and swap and go markets, to presentations on sustainable management in the paper industry and documentaries on the underestimated influences of medication on the environment.

More information

More information on the Sustainability Week activities and all of the participating organisations can be found on the  Facebook pages of Maastricht University’s Green Office  .

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