18 Sep
16:30 - 18:00

Maastricht Foundations of Law Colloquia

On 18 September, our speaker is Marc de Wilde from the University of Amsterdam - Title: Protecting Non-Christian Allies: Hugo Grotius's Justification of Dutch Overseas Expansion in the East Indies


The Department of Foundations of Law in the Faculty of Law cordially invites you to the next meeting of our Maastricht Foundations of Law Colloquia. On 18 September our speaker is Marc de Wilde. 

This contribution discusses the relation between Hugo Grotius’s theory of alliances with non-Christians and his activities as a legal advisor of the Dutch East India Company (VOC). In his early writings, Grotius defended the right of Christians to enter into alliances with non-Christians, even if they were aimed against other Christians. He thereby provided a justification for the VOC’s alliances with non-Christian rulers in the East Indies, which were aimed against the Spaniards and Portuguese. Although technically a private actor, the VOC had entered into these alliances on behalf of the Dutch United Provinces. Grotius personally drafted a series of letters to East-Indian rulers, in which he explained and justified the VOC’s alliances, including its aspired monopoly on the spice trade. The ideas he developed as a VOC advisor were later incorporated into his magnum opus De iure belli ac pacis, and presented as part of a general theory of alliances and monopoly contracts.

The colloquium’s format is pre-read. Those attending are expected to have read the text in advance. The draft will be circulated in advance.

Lukasz Dziedzic
Sebastian Reyes Molina
Roland Pierik

The colloquia will take place physically and online. The Zoom link for the online sessions will be distributed later.

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