21 Nov 22 Nov

ITEM Annual Conference 2019 | Building cross-border cooperation

The two-day ITEM annual conference 2019 was organised in cooperation with the province of Overijssel and had the theme 'Building on cross-border cooperation' with a special focus on 'cross-border care and safety' on Thursday 21 November.

Programme in English
Programme in Dutch
Programme in German
Programme in French


Thursday 21 November 2019 | 10.00- 17.00 | Wilmink Theater, Enschede

'Cross-border care and safety'

During this inspiring day full of best practices in the field of cross-border care and safety along the Dutch border, possible solutions for bottlenecks were discussed and presented as well. Projects in the field of cross-border care and safety that were discussed include: Meuse-Rhine Euroregion incident control and crisis management/EMRIC, EURIEC and a Euroregional Pediatric Surgery Centre. Best practices from other European countries were also discussed, such as medical emergency services in the Pyrenees and cross-border health cooperation in Austria.

Grote Kerk

Friday 22 November 2019 | 10.00-18.00 | Grote Kerk, Enschede

'Building cross-border cooperation'

ITEM has seen many cross-border projects in which cooperation, solidarity and support contribute to the well-being of a border region and have even literally saved lives (e.g. EMRIC and PREpare). This type of project needs the support of the authorities concerned, a good structure, well-developed knowledge platforms to work and the necessary legal or administrative instruments to facilitate the operation of these cooperation projects.

The aim of this second ITEM conference day was to contribute to this and to stimulate cross-border cooperation and mobility by bringing together parties from the fields of academia, practice and policy, by sharing cross-border projects and, above all, by working together on a knowledge platform for cross-border cooperation in the field of knowledge building and knowledge disclosure.


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