23 Mar
18:30 - 20:00

IPKM expert lecture by Dr. Cristina Vanberghen (European Commission) on Cybersecurity Policy from the Perspective of Digital Strategic Autonomy

In the context of the Intellectual Property and Knowledge Management (IPKM) master programme, we proudly present the expert lecture by Prof. Cristina Vanberghen on 23 March 2023, at 18:30 CET in the Feestzaal, Faculty of Law. In the lecture she will cover topics such as: cyber threats and responses; geopolitical and transnational aspects of cyber-regulation; digital technologies and international security; geopolitical consequences of internet standard setting; international and national security; cyber defence and deterrence; EEAS Cyber; role of states, organisations, companies, and individuals in cyberspace; cybercapacity building in the EU; human rights, civil liberties and data protection, impact of AI and other emerging technologies on human rights. Feel warmly invited to join the discussion in the Faculty of Law!



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