08 Dec
18:30 - 20:00

IPKM expert lecture by Bernard O’Connor (O’Connor & Company) on the proposed changes in EU law of geographical indications

In the context of the Intellectual Property and Knowledge Management (IPKM) master programme, we proudly present the expert lecture by Bernard O’Connor on 8 December 2022, at 18:30 CET in the Statenzaal, Faculty of Law. Bernard O’Connor will share his views about how the EU Commission missed an opportunity to introduce consistency, clarity and simplicity in GI law. Feel warmly invited to join the discussion in the Faculty of Law!


The European Commission has proposed to repeal and replace Regulation 1151/2012 on GIs for agricultural products and foodstuffs and to amend GI provisions for wines and spirit drinks. In parallel, the Commission proposes a new law for the definition, registration and protection of GIs for craft and industrial products.

The proposals do little to advance the concept of GIs as a form of intellectual property. The law will be spread between 5 instruments for 5 different product groups without any clear justification for the approach taken.

The lecture will examine the new proposals in the light of the concept of GIs as a form of intellectual property and the missed opportunity for introducing consistency, clarity and simplicity in the law.


Bernard O’Connor practices EU and WTO law in Brussels. He teaches at the State University in Milan, LUISS in Rome and the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Pollenzo. He has written widely on GI law, has assisted in the registration of GIs such as Darjeeling, and advised the Commission on the protection of GIs in third countries and the need for protection for non-agri products

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