IP & Competition in an era of AI and Data: Assessing global trends from a comparative & interdisciplinary lens


The accelerated pace of innovation in the era of Generative AI (Gen AI) brings forth many questions at the intersection of intellectual property, competition and regulation. The role of platforms and data, and more recently the rise of Gen AI, shape our increasingly digital economy in a way that requires a reconsideration of conventional wisdom about the working of markets as well as of competition law on multiple regulatory fronts.

The legal responses and the enforcement activities require new conceptual and theoretical frameworks, grounded in sound law and economics principles, in order to create an effective and cohesive framework for the digital economy.  

To unknot the complex debate on innovation in the digital age, we bring together inter-disciplinary experts to discuss the interplay between Generative AI, competition, intellectual property and innovation in the era of big data & AI.

Submission of final papers: 25 August 2024
PhD workshop: 5 September 2024 (9:00-12:30 CET)
Conference: 5 September 2024 (13:30 CET) – 6 September 2024 (16:30 CET)
Deadline for registration: 25 August 2024

Join us on LinkedIn, here.
YouTube, available here.



Thursday, 5 September 2024

Inter-disciplinary PhD workshop (room C1.310, floor 1)

10.00-10.15  Welcome Note by Dean Jan Smits 
10.15-12.30  Workshop 
Chair: Inge Graef  (Tilburg University) & Kalpana Tyagi (Maastricht University) [The Netherlands]
Chen Yiqiong (Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition, Germany) ‘From Competition Law to Competition-Oriented Regulation: Exploring Mandatory Data Access Rules for the Purpose of AI Development’
Georgia Chapoupi (Maastricht University) ‘Navigating the Future: The role of EU Competition Law in an IoT-enabled world’
Alia Kahwaji (University of East Anglia, UK) ‘Safeguarding a Human-Centric Patent System: The Case of the Inventive Step Test’
Qi Zhang (Maastricht University) ‘The licensing of music by digital platforms: Can competition law address the panacea of exclusive music licensing? – Policy approaches in the EU, USA and China’

12.30-13:30  Registration and Lunch (room Lenculenhal, ground floor)

13.30-14.30  Panel (plenary) (room B1.113 Feestzaal, floor 1)
GREEN-UP: An inter-disciplinary perspective on the transition towards a fossil-free society 
Panelists: Kalpana Tyagi (Faculty of Law), Niall Bollard (Precision Medicine), Marc Sanders (School of Business & Economics), Pranav Nakhate (AMIMBM), Philippe Lambin (Precision Medicine) [Maastricht University, The Netherlands]

14.30-15.00  Coffee Break (room Lenculenhal, ground floor)

15.00-16.15  Panel 1A:  Artificial Intelligence, IP and Competition (room C1.302 Statenzaal, floor 1)
Chair: Caroline Cauffman (Maastricht University)
Aysem Diker Vanberg (Goldsmiths, University of London, UK) ‘Application of EU Competition Law to Generative AI: Navigating Market Dynamics in the Digital Economy’ 
Discussant: Jasper van den Boom (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany)
Andrew Dang (Arizona State University, USA) ‘What role for US Antitrust in the AI Knowledge Economy?’
Discussant: Björn Lundqvist (Stockholm University, Sweden)
Padma Manchikanti, Professor (Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India) ‘Regulatory policies in the deployment of AI devices in digital healthcare: Current perspectives’
Discussant: Velizar Kirilov (European University Institute, Italy)

15.00-16.15  Panel 1B:  Copyright, data and the law & economics of GenAI  (room B1.113 Feestzaal)
Chair: Inge Graef (Tilburg University)
Juan Pablo Iglesis Mujica (Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile) ‘In Defense of the unauthorized use of protected works for training Generative AI under Chilean Law’
Discussant: Kalpana Tyagi (Maastricht University)
Bertin Martens (Bruegel & Tilburg University) ‘Adjusting the scope of copyright protection to Generative AI technology’
Discussant: Luca Schirru (IBDAutoral, Brazil)
Maria José Schmidt-Kessen & Gil Dagan (Central European University, Austria), Marta Cantero Gamito & Eirini Volikou (University of Tartu, Estonia) ‘Can regulation fix the music data problem? The potential of platform regulation and competition law to improve copyright data infrastructures in the music sector’
Discussant: Giuseppe Colangelo (Stanford University, USA & University of Basilicata, Italy)

15.00-16.15  Panel 1C: Economics, Fairness & Digital Infrastructure in the age of GenAI (room LENC14, 0.006, entrance via parking)
Chair: Niels Philipsen (Maastricht University)
Behrang Kianzad (Lund University, Sweden) ‘Law and Economics of Fairness in Artificial Intelligence’ 
Discussant: Niels Philipsen
Anke Moerland (Maastricht University) ‘Use of Artificial Intelligence by IP Offices’
Discussant: Nora Ziba Memeti (Kuwait International Law School, Kuwait)
Lin Xi (Maastricht University) ‘Protecting AI-Generated Images as Works of Fine Arts in China: Magnifying the Legacy of Art to Copyright’
Discussant: Huang-Chih Sung  (National Chengchi University, Taiwan)

16.15-16.45  Break (room Lenculenhal, ground floor)

16.45-17.45  Panel (plenary): ‘Cyber Avatars, Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property: The Japanese Perspective' (room B1.113 Feestzaal, floor 1)
Panelists: Yuko Kimijima, Kyoko Yoshinaga and Hiroyuki Tanaka [Keio University, Japan]

18.00-20.30  Dinner for speakers, chairs and discussants

Friday, 6 September 2024

09.00-10.15  Panel 2A: Competition & Expert Knowledge in the Digital Economy (room B1.113 Feestzaal, floor 1)
Chair: Björn Lundqvist (Stockholm University, Sweden)
Joanna Mazur (University of Warsaw,  Poland) ‘The Use of Expert Knowledge in  EU Law: Is the EU Digital Market Act’s enforcement model a revolution?’
Discussant: Friso Bostoen (Tilburg University)
Juan David Gutierrez Rodriguez (Universidad de los Andes, Colombia)  & Enrique García (CIDE, Mexico) ‘South-South cooperation: Cross-pollination in the decision-making processes of Latin American antitrust agencies’ 
Discussant: Subhashish Gupta (Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, India)
Arletta Gorecka (University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK)  ‘Article 102 TFEU and privacy-related harms: Why exploitative theories of harms are necessary for the digital economy?’
Discussant: Alessia D’Amico (Utrecht University, The Netherlands)

09.00-10.15  Panel 2B: Comparative Perspectives on Innovation  (room C1.302 Statenzaal, floor 1)
Chair: Michal Gal (Haifa University)
Nora Ziba Memeti (Kuwait International Law School, Kuwait) ‘Balancing Innovation, Competition Law and Intellectual Property in the Gulf Region: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Economic Growth’
Discussant: Aysem Diker Vanberg (Goldsmiths, University of London, UK)
Gábor Hajdu (University of Szeged, Hungary) ‘The E-Commerce Tariff Moratorium: Baggage of the Past or Evergreen Solution?’ 
Discussant: Andrew Dang (Arizona State University, USA)
Bernhard Koch (BOKU, Austria) ‘Patents and start-ups: A love-hate relationship?’
Discussant: Sarah Schoenmaekers (Maastricht University)

10.15-10.45   Coffee Break (room Lenculenhal, ground floor)

10.45-12.00  Panel 3A: Remedying harm in digital markets (room B1.113 Feestzaal, floor 1)
Chair: Kalpana Tyagi (Maastricht University)
Inge Graef (Tilburg University) ‘Shaping remedies at the interface of EU competition and data protection law: synergies, tensions and gaps’  
Discussant: Kalpana Tyagi   
Velizar Kirilov (European University Institute, Italy) ‘Sector-specific Essential Facilities Doctrine: A tool for remedying distortions of innovation competition for future markets’ 
Discussant: Friso Bostoen (Tilburg University)
Allen Grunes (BHFS, USA) ‘GenAI and Muricidal Rats’ 
Discussant: Arletta Gorecka (University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK)    

10.45-12.00  Panel 3B: Panel: Patents, Competition & Innovation (room C1.302 Statenzaal, floor 1)
Chair: Jermain Kaminski (Maastricht University)
Björn Lundqvist (Stockholm University, Sweden) ‘EU Constitutionalism and Standards’ 
Discussant: Caroline Cauffman (Maastricht University)
Sarah Schoenmaekers (Maastricht University) ‘The public purchasing of works, supplies or services protected by intellectual property rights: A perfect way to evade public procurement rules?’
Discussant: Jasper van den Boom (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany)
Caroline Cauffman & Li Qian  (Maastricht University) ‘Abuse of Relative Dominance by Digital Platforms: A Law and Economics Perspective’ 
Discussant: Joanna Mazur (University of Warsaw, Poland)

12.00-13:00  Lunch (room Lenculenhal, ground floor)

13.00-14.15  Panel 4A:  GenAI, Blockchain & Copyright  (room B1.113 Feestzaal, floor 1)
Chair: Volker Stocker (Weizenbaum Institute, Germany)
Marianna de la Roche (Validvent) ‘An Overview of the Convergence of Blockchain & AI’
Discussant: Maria José Schmidt-Kessen (Central European University, Austria)
Huang-Chih Sung (National Chengchi University, Taiwan) ‘New Challenges and Possible Solutions of Generative AI for Personal Data and Privacy Protection’
Discussant: Volker Stocker
Zac Cooper (Amsterdam Law & Technology Institute, The Netherlands) ‘GenAI and Copyright through the lens of Law & Economics’
Discussant: Behrang Kianzad (Lund University, Sweden)

13.00-14.15  Panel 4B: GenAI & Maching Learning: Inter-disciplinary perspectives  (room C1.302 Statenzaal, floor 1)
Chair: Kalpana Tyagi (Maastricht University)
Jermain Kaminski (Maastricht University) ‘Casual Machine Learning and Business Decision Making’ 
Discussant: Bertin Martens (Bruegel & Tilburg University)
Avigdor Gal (Technion Institute) ‘GenAI: A Double Edged Sword Technology’
Discussant: Konrad Kollnig   
Li Qian & Konrad Kollnig (Maastricht University) ‘Regulating data scrapping for GenAI in China’
Discussant: Kalpana Tyagi

14.15-14.45  Coffee Break (room Lenculenhal, ground floor)

14.45-16.15  Emerging Technologies & Competition  (room B1.113 Feestzaal, floor 1)
Chair: Inge Graef (Tilburg University)
Keynote: Michal Gal (Haifa University) ‘Algorithmic Competition’ 
Luca Schirru (IBDAutoral, Brazil) ‘Generative AI in the Brazilian AI Bill’
Discussant: Bertin Martens (Bruegel & Tilburg University)
Friso Bostoen (Tilburg University) ‘Creators and Competition in the Metaverse’
Discussant: Caroline Cauffman (Maastricht University)

16.15-16.30  Note of thanks & the Road Ahead for #COMIPinDigiMarkts by Kalpana Tyagi (B1.113 Feestzaal, floor 1)

17.00-18.00  Boat ride for speakers, chairs and discussants