Intertwining criminal justice and immigration control in the EU (GLaw) : theoretical, interdisciplinary, and practical perspectives (hybrid)


On 22nd October 2021, the GLaw-Net Research Network in collaboration with the Maastricht Centre for European Law, and the Faculty of Law of Queen Mary University of London, will host a hybrid workshop "Intertwining Criminal Justice and Immigration Control in the EU: Theoretical, Interdisciplinary, and Practical Perspectives". 

The workshop explores the theoretical, normative, and philosophical underpinnings of EU and national policies intertwining criminal and migration law, as well as their practical use (and abuse) and impact on the protection of fundamental rights of migrants and the rule of law. 

Papers presented at the workshop will be later published in the framework of special journal issue co-edited by Dr. Niovi Vavoula, Dr. Lilian Tsourdi and Prof. Valsamis Mitsilegas. 

You can participate online or physically in Brussels. There are currently no more physical seats available - only online availability.


  • Welcome and Presentation of the Faculty of Law Globalisation and Law Network by Mariolina Eliantonio (Maastricht University).
  • Introduction to the conference by Niovi Vavoula (Queen Mary University of London) and Lilian Tsourdi (Maastricht University)

PANEL I: Theorising the Criminalisation of Migration

  • Chair & discussant: Mariolina Eliantonio, Maastricht University
  • Maarte van der Woude (Leiden University): 

    European Solidarity: Myth or Reality? Crimmigration Controls at Schengen’s Internal Borders

  • Alessandro Spena (University of Palermo): 

    Crimmigration as Hate Speech

  • Janina Pescinski (Queen Mary University of London): Solidarity on Trial: Contestation at the Franco-Italian Border’

Coffee Break

  • Keynote Lecture by Valsamis Mitsilegas (Queen Mary University of London): The Criminalisation of Migration as Preventive (In)Justice
  • Chair and discussant: Niovi Vavoula (Queen Mary University of London)
12.45h Lunch Break

PANEL II: Criminalising Migration by Sea - From Crimes of Rescue to Self-Smuggling

  • Chair & discussant: Philippe De Bruycker (Université libre de Bruxelles)
  • Violeta Moreno-Lax (Queen Mary University of London): Crimes of Rescue: Humanitarian Smuggling and the Limits of Legitimate Criminalisation
  • Flavia Patane (Maastricht University): From “Smuggled” to “Smugglers”: The Criminalisation of Asylum Seekers in the EU
  • Jennifer Allsopp (University of Birmingham):  Development, Solidarity and Migration  
15.45h Coffee Break

PANEL III: The borders of criminalisation - Legality, Solidarity, and the Rule of Law Revisited

  • Chair & discussant: Valsamis Mitsilegas (Queen Mary University of London)
  • Dario Melossi (University of Bologna): 

    Between Subordination and Integration: Groundwork for a Comparative Study

  • Niovi Vavoula (Queen Mary University of London) and Lilian Tsourdi (Maastricht University): Criminal Justice as Fig Leaf?  Migration Control at EU’s External Borders
  • Johannes Keiler (Maastricht University): The EU’s Facilitators’ Package: In-between Fighting Organised Crime and (Over)criminalising Solidarity
  • Marta Minetti (University of Exeter): The Expansion of Penal Populism in the Field of Immigration Control and the Consequences for the Rule of Law

Conclusion and future publication plans by Lilian Tsourdi (Maastricht University) and Niovi Vavoula (Queen Mary University of London)


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